Home > Basic Functions > cccx > Creating a New Skin
Creating a New Skin
Skins are HTML pages with tags that act as placeholders for the contents and page windows. Most users should be able to create a simple skin layout, however HTML design knowledge is required to create more complex skins. To learn more about HTML design techniques, visit the W3 Schools website: http://www.w3schools.com/
Follow the instructions below to create a new skin.
1. Open the Help System that you wish to create the skin for.
2. If you are not already logged in, log in as an administrator with 'tools' permissions.
3. Click the 'Tools' button to display the 'tools menu'
4. Click 'Skins' to display the 'manage skins' form.
5. Click the 'Add' button to display the skin editor. After designing the skin, click 'save' to save the skin and return to the 'manage skins' form.
9. Click the 'Save' icon to save changes made to the skin.
10. Refresh the help system project to see the new skin in the skin list.
See also