Home > Advanced Functions > Page Templates > Creating a Page Template
Creating a Page Template
If your help system will have different types of pages with with elements that are the same, it may be useful to create a page template for each type of page. Page templates are located in the project folder and have the format:
Follow the steps below to customize the 'Help Page' template.
1. Login to your help project as an administrator with the 'tools' permission.
2. Click the tools button to show the 'Tools' menu.
3. Select 'Page Templates' to display the 'Page Templates' form.
4. Click the 'Add' button to display the 'Template Editor'. Click the 'copy' icon if you wish to create the template based on an existing template.
5. Use the template editor to create the page content. Click 'save' to save the new template.
6. Each new page added to your help system will be created from this customized template.
See also