Home > Advanced Functions > Users > Editing a Project Username
Editing a Project Username
Follow the instructions below to edit a project username
1. Open the Help System
2. If you are not already logged in, log in as an administrator with 'tools' permissions.
3. Click the 'Tools' button to display the 'tools' form.
4. Click 'Users' to display the 'Users' form.
5. Click the username in the list to display the 'user detail' form.
6. The actual username cannot be changed, but the fullname, password and security group can be changed. Click 'save' to update the user record.
Notes: - The 'Admin' username will always have full permissions. - Permissions for the 'public' username will be applied if a user is not logged in. - The 'Admin' username cannot be deleted.
See also Project Login Adding a Project Username Deleting a Project Username