 Contact us
 Basic Functions
       Creating a New Project
       Copying a Project
       Backing up Your Project
       Uploading a Project
       Setting Project Properties
       Manage Projects Form Password
       Project Templates
    ccc xc
       Windows Applications
          Windows Application Help Button
          Windows Form Help Button
          Widget Master Pro
          Widget Master Lite
          Windows Field Help Button
          Windows F1 Application Help
          Windows F1 Form Help
          Windows F1 Field Help
       Web Applications
          Web Application Help Button
          Web Form Help Button
          Web Field Help Button
          Web F1 Application Help
          Web F1 Form Help
          Web F1 Field Help
       Applying Skins
       Customizing an Existing Skin
       Creating a New Skin
    Table of Contents
       Adding a Page
       Adding an External File
       Adding a Website or Webpage
       Embedding another Project
       Renaming a Page
       Deleting a Page
       Page Properties
       Dragging & Dropping Pages
       Cutting and Pasting Pages
       Customizing Page Icons
    Working with Tables
       Adding a Table
       Table Properties
       Cell Properties
    Working with Images
       Adding an Image
       Uploading an Image
       Image Properties
       Adding Hotspots to an Image
    Keywords and Index
       Display Keywords in Edit Mode
       Display Index in Live Mode
       Adding Page Links
       Adding Internet Links
       Adding Email Links
       Adding Document Links
       Removing a Link
       How to Get Support
       Getting Started
          What is a Static Help System?
          What is a Dynamic Help System?
          What is a PDF Manual?
          End-User License Agreement
          How to Order
       Publishing a Static Help System
       Uploading to your Website
       Legacy Help System
       Publishing a Dynamic Help System
       Publishing a PDF Manual
 Advanced Functions
    Movies & Animations
       Adding a Flash Animation
       Adding a Media Animation
       Project Login
       Adding a Project Username
       Editing a Project Username
       Deleting a Project Username
    Security Groups
       Adding a Security Group
       Editing a Security Group
       Deleting a Security group
       User Defined Variables
       System Variables
          Child Page 1
          Child Page 2
    Page Templates
       Customizing a Page Template
       Creating a Page Template
       Customizing the PDF Template
       Page Styles
       Applying Styles
       Treeview Styles
       Pending Reader Comments Report
       Page Status Report
    Conditional Content
       Conditional Pages
       Conditional Text
 Toolbar Reference
    System Toolbar
    Contents Toolbar
    Function Toolbar
    Skin Editor Toolbar
       Editor Toolbar
    Variable Editor Toolbar
    Page Template Editor Toolbar
    General Questions
    Installation Questions
Home > FAQ > General Questions

  General Questions 

Is there a way to temporarily move a Project to my notebook while I'm out of the office?

Yes. as long as you have HelpConsole 2008 installed on your notebook, you can create a backup of the project from the web server and then upload it to HelpConsole 2008 on your notebook. See Backing up Your Project and Uploading a Project

Can the HelpConsole 2008 branding be removed from the published Help System?
 Yes, you can remove all of the ExtremeEase branding. The company name and product name are displayed on some skins, but this can be easily changed to your branding or just removed. This is done by editing the Skin

Can I hide pages in the Table of Contents until I've finished writing the content?
Yes, pages can be temporarily hidden via the 'Page Properties' dialog. For more information, See Conditional Content

Is there a way to insert <p> instead of <br> when the enter key is pressed?
  No. Some html editors insert a <p> tag when the enter key is pressed, however mostly for the sake of simplicity, the HelpConsole editor inserts a <br> tag when the enter key is pressed. To quickly insert a <p> tag, press CTRL M, or click the 'add paragraph' button on the toolbar.

Can I customize the icons in the "Sibling Icon List" and the "Child Icon List"?
Yes. By default folder icons are displayed, but you can display custom icons by placing your own images in the 'images' folder with the format <pagename>.gif. For example if you had a page named "my page" then the image would be named "my page.gif". For more information, see Customizing Page Icons

See also
HelpConsole 2008 - Enterprise Edition

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