Home > Advanced Functions > Styles > Page Styles
Page Styles
The look and feel of your help pages can be customized by editing the style sheet. You can customize any of the following:
- Page Margins
- Background color
- Background image
- Default Font (size, color, type)
- Etc.
Follow the instructions below to edit page styles:
1. Open the Help System
2. If you are not already logged in, log in as an administrator with 'tools' permissions.
3. Click the 'Tools' button to display the 'tools' form.
4. Click 'Styles' to display the stylesheet. Modify any existing page style or add new styles.
For example, to change the default page font and background color, change the following:
BODY,TABLE,P,DIV,SPAN,INPUT { FONT-SIZE: 16pt; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background-color:yellow; } | Reload your help project. The background of every page will be yellow and the font will be larger.
See also Applying Styles Treeview Styles