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Project Templates
Project templates are exactly the same as help projects. The only difference is that project template folders begin with 'template_'. If you look at the 'c:\program files\HelpConsole 2008' folder using the Windows File Explorer, you'll see the directory structure as shown below:
Create a Project Template To create a new project template, either copy an existing template or copy an existing help project. Make sure that the folder name begins with 'template_'.
Delete a Project Template To delete a project template, simply delete the template folder (which begins with '_template')
Edit a Project Template To edit a project template, do the following: 1. Rename the template folder so that the name does not begin with 'template'. (eg. 'template_Help System' => 'xtemplate_Help System' 2. The template will appear as a help project on the 'Manage Projects' form. 3. Click the template to open it. Login as 'Admin' to modify the contents structure, page content, etc. 4. After editing the template, rename the folder so that it begins with 'template_'
See also Creating a New Project Copying a Project Backing up Your Project Uploading a Project Setting Project Properties Manage Projects Form Password