Home > Basic Functions > Projects > Setting Project Properties
Setting Project Properties
Follow the instructions below to view and edit properties for a help project.
1. Run HelpConsole 2008 to display the 'Manage Projects' form. Click here for more information about running the software
3. The selected help project will be opened in live mode.
4. Click the 'login' link, and then enter a username and password that has 'edit contents' and 'edit pages' permissions. By default, the 'admin' username does not have a pasword and has full permissions.
5. Click the tools button to show the 'Tools' menu.
6. Click 'Properties' to display the 'Project Properties' form.
Properties Overview:
Property |
Description |
Start Page |
This is the page that will be displayed when the help project is loaded.
Click 'Select' to select a page from the table of contents. If set to [First Page], the first visible page will be displayed when the help project is loaded.
Default Skin |
This is the skin that will be applied when the help project is loaded.
Help Format |
This is the format in which the help project will be displayed when loaded: - Frames: Pages are displayed within an iframe. - Flat: The entire help system window is reloaded when a page is selected.
Default Contents Mode |
This determines if the contents will be in edit mode or live mode when the user logs in.
Default Comment Status |
This is the status that will be applied when new reader comments are added. This determines if reader comments are immediately visible to the public or if an administrator must approve the comment first.
4. Click 'Save' to apply changes and return to the 'Tools' menu.
See also