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Home > Toolbar Reference > Page Template Editor Toolbar

Page Template Editor Toolbar

Page Template Editor Toolbar Reference
icon/list Name Description
Image Manager Pressing this button will open the image dialog which allows you to manage images ? inserting, uploading and setting image properties.
Hyperlink Manager Assigns a hyperlink to the selected text or image. The hyperlink dialog window will open. It allows you to choose the type of link you want to insert: Hyperlink, Anchor or E-mail. See also: Links
Document Manager Pressing this button will open the 'Document Manager' dialog which allows you to link the selected text with another page. See also: Adding Page Links
Insert Table Inserting a table works similarily to Microsoft Word?. Click the 'Insert Table' button and select how many rows and columns are desired. The table will be inserted at the current cursor position. See also: Working with Tables
Font Name Sets the font typeface. This dropdown allows you to change the font of the selected text.
Font Size Sets the font size. This dropdown allows you to change the font size of the selected text.
Bold Applies bold formatting to the selected text. Select the text and press this button to apply bold formatting. If the cursor is positioned in a single word, pressing this button will bold the entire word.

Applies underline formatting to selected text. Select some text and press this button to apply underline formatting. If the cursor is positioned in a single word, pressing this button will underline the entire word. 

Italic Applies italic formatting to the selected text. Select some text and press this button to apply Italic formatting. If the cursor is positioned in a single word, pressing this button will apply italic to the entire word.
Background Color Changes the background color of the selected text. This dropdown allows you to change the background color of the selected text.
Align Left Aligns the selected paragraph to the left.
Align Center Centers the selected selected paragraph.
Align Right Aligns the selected paragraph to the right.
Foreground color Changes the color of the selected text. This dropdown allows you to change the font color of the selected text.

Cuts the selected content and copies it to the clipboard. The [Cut] button works on selected text, image and/or table. Select the content and then [Cut] it.

When using this tool, the cut text or image will be removed from the page and will be stored in the clipboard for later use. Please, note that only the last cut (or copied) item will be stored in the clipboard. This tool is very helpful if you have decided to change the place of a piece of text in the sentence or in the page.


Copies the selected content to the clipboard. The [Copy] button works on selected text, image and/or table. Select the content first and then [Copy] it.

When using this tool, the content will be stored in the clipboard for later use. Note that only the last copied (or cut) item will be stored in the clipboard.
This tool is very helpful if you need to type the same text many times: just select the text, press the button, place the cursor on the new place and press the [Paste] button. This procedure works for images and/or tables as well.


Pastes copied content from the clipboard into the editor. After you have either [Cut] or [Copied] an item (text, image, etc.), you can [Paste] it using this button. Place the cursor where you want the item to appear and press the [Paste] button.

Paste Plain Text

Pastes copied content from the clipboard into the editor. After you have either [Cut] or [Copied] an item (text, image, etc.), you can [Paste] it using this button. The [Paste Plain Text] button works similarly to [Paste from Word] , but it removes all HTML formatting and pastes plain text, preserving the line breaks.


Undoes the previous action. Pressing this button will [Undo] the last action you have made in the editor. This includes but is not limited to inserting tables, moving images and formatting text.

Pressing the down arrow next to this button will open a dropdown where you can select from a list of previous actions.


Redoes the last undone action. Pressing this button will [Redo] the action you have just undone. Pressing the down arrow next to this button will open a dropdown where you can select from a list of actions that can be redone.

See also

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