Home > Help > Basic Functions > Table of Contents > Adding an External File
Adding an External File
What is an external file? An external file is typically a document such as a Word Document or PDF document that is located outside of the project folder or in a sub folder of the project. Examples of external files include:
- Word Document with pricing information hosted on company website. - PDF brochure hosted on company website. - PDF user manual located in a sub folder of the project. - Flash product demo located in a sub folder of the project.
Follow the instructions below to add an external file to your help system:
1. Open the Help System
2. If you are not already logged in, log in as an administrator with 'edit contents' permissions.
3. Click the 'Add Page' icon.
4. Enter a name for the new page.
5. Enter an absolute URL such as http://www.extremeease.com/help/helpconsole%202008/docs/example.pdf or a relative URL such as docs/example.pdf
6. Click OK to add the page.
7. The external file will be displayed.
Note: External pages are not editable so you'll notice that the 'Edit Page' button is not visible when external pages are displayed.
See also Adding a Page Adding a Website or Webpage Embedding another Project Renaming a Page Deleting a Page Page Properties Dragging & Dropping Pages Cutting and Pasting Pages Customizing Page Icons