Home > Help > Advanced Functions > Conditional Content > Conditional Text
Conditional Text
Let's say that you have a software product with two editions, "Widget Master Lite Edition" and "Widget Master Pro Edition" and you want to generate a separate help system for each product edition. Most of the content will be the same, however some features are included in the professional edition but not the lite edition.
1. In this scenario, you would create two skins, one named "Widget Master Lite" and one named "Widget Master Professional". See Creating a New Skin
2. Select the page that you want to add conditional text to.
3. Click the 'More' button on the toolbar to show additional functions.
4. Click the icon to display the 'Insert Condition' dialog.
5. Select the skin(s) that this conditional content will be visible for, and click 'Insert'
6. The conditional content will be contained within orange start and end tags. In the example below, a condition was added for each skin to display the product title.
7. This is how the page will look in live mode:
Widget Lite Skin applied in live mode |
Widget Pro Skin applied in live mode |
| Notes: - If you want to remove a condition, just delete the start and end tags. - If you want to edit a condition to include another skin, double click the 'IF' tag and type the skin name. Make sure that skins are separated by commas. - Conditions can include pretty much anything including text, images, flash animations, variables, iframes, etc.
See also