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How to run the software
If HelpConsole 2008 was installed on an individual PC and will be run by one person, the software can be run from the Start Menu as shown below. If HelpConsole 2008 will be run in a network environment from a web server, users need to enter the URL address directly into their browser.
Running from an Individual PC To run the software from the start menu on a computer that HelpConsole 2008 was installed to, follow the instructions below:
1. Click Start > Programs > HelpConsole 2008 > HelpConsole 2008
2. The HelpConsole 2008 'manage projects' page will appear.
Running from a Web Server If HelpConsole 2008 was installed to a web server, users will enter the application URL address directly into their browser.
The syntax is: http://<servername>/helpconsole2008 Example1: http://WebServer1/helpconsole2008 (Running on an Intranet) Example2: http://www.MyDomain.com/helpconsole2008 (Running on the Internet) Example3: http://www.MyDomain.com/helpconsole2008/helpproject1 (open a specific help project)
See also System Requirements Installing IIS Assigning Write Permissions Creating a Virtual Directory Installing the Software Upgrading from HelpConsole 2007 fgfEntering Your Activation Key URL Parameters Service Pack History NEW