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URL Parameters
Dynamic Help Console Parameters
Note: Place a question mark (?) before the first parameter and an ampersand (&) before additional parameters. Example - WebServer1/helpconsole2008/helpproject1/default.aspx?pageid=faq&skin=blue
Static Help Console Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
Page |
Displays the specified page when the help system is opened.
Syntax: default.htm?<Page Filename> Example1: WebServer1/helpconsole2008/helpproject/static/default.htm?faq.htm
Example2: WebServer1/MyApp/help/default.htm?faq.htm * This assumes that your application is running under the virtual directory "MyApp" and the folder containing your help system is named "help"
Example3: http://www.company.com/help/default.htm?faq.aspx * This assumes that your application is running on the domain "company.com" and the folder containing your help system is named "help"
See also System Requirements Installing IIS Assigning Write Permissions Creating a Virtual Directory Installing the Software Upgrading from HelpConsole 2007 fgfEntering Your Activation Key How to run the software Service Pack History NEW